Wednesday, March 17, 2010

All Change

Here in learning support we are all looking forward to the holidays but for us its a time of change.
The captain of our little ship is about to retire after 18 years of service at JFK as this is posted we are not sure who will be steering our ship into the summer term.
We all wish her a happy retirement and are looking forward to postcards from around the world as she travels of into the sunset or rise depend on the direction she is flying of too.


Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Starting the Teaching and Learning Workshops

30th September 2009
I've been asked by PN to revive the Teaching and Learning blog, which is one of the reasons why I am making this post. I'll be sending a reminder about the blog around to all members of the T & L Workshop, to ask people to post any information. If you want to become a member e-mail me on my work e-mail account, and I'll add you.

In addition, I'm going to 'blog' what has happened at each workshop. Members are invited to add their own contributions, comments, suggestions, etc.

We had our first proper meeting this evening as the first one earlier this month was an introduction. PN asked us to think about things that we were looking forward to this year, at which point virtually everyone went quiet, and looked at the floor. It's not that I don't like my job - I actually think it's great - but sometimes when you are in the thick of it it can be hard to really appreciate why we are doing it. Largely I enjoy it on a day-to-day basis when you actually have a great lesson, or a kid thanks you, or comes along in the lunchtime to finish something off. I don't actually look forward to marking a huge great pile of coursework in the spring - although I suppose I do enjoy supporting the students through their work.

Fiona said that she is looking forward to having taught the whole of the A level syllabus, so that she really feels confident with it - which I can relate to, then Gwyn talked about a new initiative with a school in Spain. Christian said he was looking forward to getting all the GCSE coursework completed, but Richard then went and talked about the trip to China - which made us all green with envy.

PN asked us to fill in a questionnaire about assessment strategies we use, which once again made me feel a bit unhappy, as it challenged me to think about how I am assessing learning, and whether the ways that I am doing it are actually as good as they could be. I'm confident about some of the ways, but am I being as effective as I can be? We discussed other ways of assessing learning, and Marie mentioned the idea of getting students to text a quick summary of what they had learned in a lesson. This is BRILLIANT, but I'm going to get my A level students to TWITTER their summaries instead - this will give them just 140 letters, and I can do it all on-line.

We decided on our rules for the TLC, many we consider as givens, however, our key points are:
  • to improve student learning by using AfL strategies
  • be open to learning new things and be willing to give up old habits that might not be as effective as we like
  • use descriptions to discuss student and teacher work, avoiding judgement
  • be honest about where we are 'shining' and where we are having difficulties (ie. its always important to share the good things)
  • appreciate that different approaches work for different teachers and don't expect everyone to do the same as you.
We worked on Personal Action Plans to think about what we are focusing before the next meeting. We have to give a copy of this to PN, so that we can discuss it next time.

I am going to work on Twitter with the A level students to reinforce learning as well as being another way of assessing understanding. I did think that I'd do some work on providing sample work of different grades, but Christian said that he is going to work on praising students. As he was talking about it this just seemed so important that I have decided to do this too. I do recognise that there are going to be some problems - like managing to praise a student who is just behaving badly - but I'm going to give it a go, especially in KS3. I thought for a long time that students know how good their work is comparatively, and if you praise some really poor work, then they will think that you are being patronising, but actually, I don't think that they do know that the work is poor. I think that a lot of them have considerable difficulty in seeing how good their work is compared to some standard.

I've now got to arrange for Ian P to come along and watch me praising a class.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Postponed move

Unfortunately we have not been able to move in as we hoped to after the Easter break, the contents of the office is packed and waiting for us in the new block. This may have a knock on effect if you require any information from us concerning any students. We will of course do our best to answer any queries and give you the information requested. Sarah Sanders PA to Mrs Clapworthy is now to be found on extension 244 in B13.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Learning Support is on the move-
We will situated in the new D block on the ground floor. Nicely sandwiched between Music and the learning recourse center. In rooms D 14 to 20 normal service will resume during the fazed in move if you have trouble finding us during the move we apologies for the inconvenience

Friday, December 12, 2008

T&L Group December Meeting

Thanks to all for coming to the meeting this week - welcome to Christian, representing the Technology Department. I'm sure we all appreciated the work Jackie had done to facilitate our introduction to the VLE.
I have AfL audits from Art, Geography, MFL and RE - can I please have the others ASAP.

Next meeting: Wednesday 14th January 4 p.m.:
  • your opportunity to share anything you've done with the VLE
  • Rachel, Phil and myself to report back on recent INSET attended

Happy Christmas! Enjoy the break.


Monday, December 8, 2008

blog member from Learning support

Hello I am the contact for LS department if you have anything you wish to know about please leave a message in comments

Thursday, November 20, 2008

I have arrived - at last!!

Hi All

I am a new user and am here to help as best I can with any technical or non-technical questions.

And unfortunately there is nothing I can do about the weight of the new laptops, I apologise for those of you that have inherted a brick!!